During takeoff roll, the student will monitor airspeed, engine instruments, warning and caution
lights, and the flap and trim indicators.
STUDENT: "40 KIAS, trim and flaps holding."
STUDENT: "75 KIAS." (Safe ejection airspeed)
STUDENT: "100 KIAS." (Rotation speed)
After rotation, the IP will initiate the raising of the gear and flaps without any student input
required. It is the student's responsibility to ensure both the gear and flaps are safely retracted
prior to 165 KIAS.
STUDENT: "Aircraft clean at 150 KIAS." (Report the airspeed at which the gear and flaps
indicated up).
Once the aircraft is verified clean, the student will contact Departure.
STUDENT: "Departure, RKT 204, airborne, passing 500 for 3000."
"Departure, RKT 204, Pensacola Departure, radar contact."
The student is responsible for all navigation and UHF communication throughout the flight.
Additionally, the student is encouraged to be aggressive and control the conduct of the flight as
though he or she were the assigned MC.
All Climbout Checklists are completed within 500 feet of the prescribed altitude (i.e., 2500 to
3500 feet for 3000 foot Checklist). Realize this is a guideline. If more pressing demands require
the student's attention, it is important to recall the general hierarchy of priorities aviate,
navigate, communicate, then checklists.
The 3000-foot Checklist is challenge and reply.
STUDENT: "Idle stop."
IP: "Engaged."
STUDENT: "Fuel transfer."
IP: "Tips."
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