SEABREEZE: "ROKT 204, Seabreeze, proceed direct NPA, contact Pensacola Approach on
LEAD: "ROKT 204, direct NPA, switching 270.8, Turbo."
WING: "Two."
LEAD: "Turbo." (After switching radio frequencies and obtaining a thumbs-up from the
WING: "Two."
LEAD: "Pensacola Approach, ROKT 204, 7000, RTB, Course Rules."
From this point on, the flight complies with the instructions from the controllers and the
applicable Course Rules.
Gator South MOA
The Gator South MOA will be utilized if scheduling conflicts or weather prevents use of
W-155A. The confines and procedures for MOA use are detailed in the T-2C Student In-flight
Guide. The Gator South MOA's standard confines are 10,500 17,500 feet. Utilization of the
MOA "high-block" up to 23,000 feet must be coordinated with ATC.
BFM Admin
The following administrative procedures and maneuvers will be conducted on each of the six
BFM flights.
While conducting BFM training, numerous formation and tactical set-ups will be utilized. The
"PADS" acronym is a quick method for referencing the aircraft set up parameters. Each letter in
"PADS" stands for a specific flight parameter:
P - Position
A - Altitude
D - Distance
S - Speed
Combat Spread
Once the flight is cleared to maneuver, the lead IP will "push" the wingman into combat spread
with a hand signal. Combat spread is the basic two-plane formation utilized in the air-to-air
combat arena. This formation combines optimum offensive capability with maximum defensive
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