WING STUDENT: "Visual, 2.4." (If not visual, confirm the IP is before making this call.)
LEAD STUDENT: "Lead is 2.5, Turbo switch Button 15."
This transition from BFM to section navigation during the RTB segment of flight is one of the
more challenging evolutions in the syllabus. The lead student will direct the IP to descend to
7000 feet (the W155A exit altitude), and will provide an initial heading towards the applicable
exit point (Beard, Staar, or Rozie for Area 1, 2, and 3, respectively.)
1. Due to the dynamic nature of BFM, the T-2C BDHI, and
VGI are often misaligned at the conclusion of maneuvering.
Headings based on the wet compass may be required until the
BDHI compass card can be realigned.
2. In the event of a misaligned BDHI, the tail of the TACAN
needle and DME readout will continue to accurately display the
aircraft's position. The head of the needle however will not point
to the station accurately until the BDHI is realigned.
Remaining within the confines of the assigned working area is paramount. Once the lead student
feels comfortable and the flight is proceeding towards the exit point, he will check-in the
wingman and contact Seabreeze.
Example: RTB Comm:
LEAD: "Turbo."
WING: "Two."
LEAD: "Seabreeze, ROKT 204, RTB."
SEABREEZE: "Roger ROKT 204, squawk 0627, have wingman squawk standby."
LEAD: "ROKT 204, squawking 0627."
SEABREEZE: "ROKT 204, radar contact, descend and maintain 7000 feet, proceed direct
LEAD: "ROKT 204, passing 9000 for 7000, direct Rozie."
If the flight arrives at the exit point before further clearance is received, the lead student will
direct his pilot to orbit within the confines of the assigned area until Seabreeze is able to
coordinate the hand-off to Pensacola Approach.
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