As the attacker's nose becomes a threat again out of the high yo yo, the defensive student will
call "Nose on, pitch back right/left, lift vector on". When the attacker's aircraft reaches the
horizon, the OUI should call for a slice into the attacker. The defender's maneuvers, if properly
timed, should result in a less defensive position.
Attacker Action
Defensive Student response/ Defensive IP action
Roll in/ low reversal
"Hard right, bogey right 5." Hard turn into bogey
Nose on out of low reversal
"Nose on."
Maintain hard turn into
Wings level, out of plane,
"Nose off, unload."
Ease turn, unload, get knots
high yo yo maneuver
back- energy addition
"Nose on, pitch back
Hard turn back into bogey
Attacker starts to commit
right/left lift vector on."
nose back to defender
(recognized by wings crack)
Attacker's aircraft reaches
"Slice right / left (into the
Slice into bogey
the horizon.
attacker) give me 280."
Follow on BFM as required
Follow on BFM as required
This scenario will demonstrate an attack by a bogey that attacks with excessive closure which
results in an overshoot of the defender's extended six o'clock. This attack presents a reversal
opportunity for the defender.
This attack will be initiated with the attacker's standard roll-in off the perch and low reversal.
Out of the low reversal, the attacker will threaten the defender with his nose. The defensive
student will honor this threat with a "Nose On" ICS call to his pilot. This "Nose On" call will
initiate a harder turn into the threat aircraft, which will complicate the bogey's attack by
increasing their AOT and closure. As the bogey presses the attack, and enters the gun range, the
defensive student will call "Nose on, break right". The break turn will force the attacker to
overshoot the defender's flight path at close range (inside the control point).
Recognizing this close aboard flight path overshoot, the defensive student will capitalize on this
a reversal opportunity and call "Reverse, pull for his six, Bogey overshot". A timely reversal
(executed as the bogey flies through your six o'clock) may result in a follow-on 3-9 overshoot
and a role reversal in which the defender gains positional advantage. Another possibility is entry
into a neutral or defensive flat scissors.
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