Attacker Action
Defensive Student response/ Defensive IP action
Roll in/ low reversal
"Hard right, bogey right 5." Hard turn into bogey
Nose on out of low reversal
"Nose on."
Maintain hard turn into
Presses attack (approaching
"Nose on, break right."
Break turn into bogey
1500 feet)
Overshoots extended six
"Reverse, pull for his six,
Reverse to force a 3-9
bogey overshot."
overshoot if possible
Follow on BFM as required
Follow on BFM as required
Valid Attack To Guns-D
This scenario will demonstrate an attack by a bogey that is able to maneuver and achieve a guns
attack. The defensive response will be a last ditch defensive maneuver (guns-D).
This attack will be initiated with the attacker's standard roll-in off the perch and low reversal.
Out of the low reversal, the attacking bogey will threaten the defender with his nose. The
defensive student will honor the threat with a "Nose On" ICS call to his pilot. A "Nose On" call
will cause the defender to initiate a harder turn into the threat, which will complicate the bogey's
attack by increasing its AOT and closure. The bogey will be able to "hack" the turn and continue
the attack. As the bogey presses the attack by aligning fuselages and approaching the gun range,
the defensive student will call "Nose on, break right". Again, the bogey will be able to maintain
its positional advantage. As the bogey pulls lead for an imminent guns shot (approaches 1500
feet), the defensive student will call "Guns-D". Upon hearing this command, the defensive pilot
will execute a last ditch out-of-plane guns-D as described earlier in this chapter.
Attacker Action
Defensive Student response/ Defensive IP action
Roll in/ low reversal
"Hard right, bogey right 5." Hard turn into bogey
Nose on out of low reversal
"Nose on."
Maintain hard turn into
Presses attack
"Nose on, break right."
Break turn into the bogey
Execute Guns-D to defeat
Presses attack, in guns
range and able to pull lead
for a shot
Follow on BFM as required
Follow on BFM as required
1V1 Engagements (The Big Picture)
Thus far, we have presented the numerous components of BFM (theory, performance, game
plans, offensive BFM, defensive BFM, etc). These building blocks will now be integrated to
construct our final product: a 1V1 BFM engagement in which the opponent is destroyed. This
section of the FTI will refine and summarize the concepts and procedures previously set forth in
the body of this text.
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