usually division cruise. At this point, the division will automatically balance and precede
Division Enroute
The division will proceed with enroute in the balanced cruise formation. Each member of the
division will maintain a position such that the lead can keep sight of the flight. Details of the
division weapons mission will be covered in Chapter 8.
Division Recoveries
VFR. The break (overhead) is the most common recovery for a division. Normally a two
second interval break will be used from the echelon formation, although many variations may be
briefed and flown. Formations such as finger tip or diamond may be briefed and flown as well
(Figure 7-7).
Break interval and order is essential for safety of flight. In the finger tip formation depicted in
Figure 7-7, a right break would be executed in a 2 or 4 second interval as briefed in the following
aircraft order: 2-1-3-and then 4. A right break for the diamond formation in Figure 7-7 would
be in the following order: 2-4-1 and then 3.
Similar to section procedures, the division will be put in the proper break formation when 3-5 NM
from the initial. For safety of flight considerations, every member of the division is responsible
for proper positioning approaching the initial. Out of the break, the lead will call abeam for the
flight. The elements of the division will then complete landing checks individually and report
"DASH-X three down and locked" in order.
Figure 7-6 Division Formations
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