Figure 7-5 Division Takeoff - One Runway
Division Interval Go. This procedure is used when conditions do not permit a section go. The
division may use one of the above line-up scenarios. In addition, the lead may brief an echelon
line-up in the normal takeoff area with DASH-4 at the hold short ready to take the runway as
soon as space permits. The division aircraft will initiate their takeoff rolls in order, in
accordance with the SOP mandated intervals. Once the last plane to launch is clean, the student
in that jet will call "4's airborne" on UHF. This will be the lead student's cue to contact
In every division takeoff scenario the lead will need to know that
each aircraft's run ups are successfully completed. If DASH-3 is
not in a position to pass a thumbs-up to lead, a "3's set" call on
UHF will be made by the IP. DASH-3 will make this call once a
thumbs- up is signaled from DASH-4. This call will be the lead's
cue that the second section is ready for takeoff.
Division Departure
As in a two-plane running rendezvous, each division student will be expected to monitor closure
and join-up airspeeds during a division rendezvous. After takeoff, the flight will normally
rendezvous in parade at 250 KIAS and the lead will place the flight in a pre-briefed formation,
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