If a formation other than echelon is flown to the break, the first
aircraft out of the break to hit the abeam will become the lead.
Each aircraft will be renumbered in order and make pattern calls
appropriately (i.e., in Figure 7-7) for a right hand break using the
diamond formation, DASH-2 will assume the role of lead at the
IMC. Division IMC recoveries are not normally performed because of the risks associated with
dirtying the flight and achieving flight separation in instrument conditions. Therefore, divisions
are commonly split to two sections prior to recovery. The section leads (Lead and DASH-3)
may then elect to further split into individuals if the conditions at the destination warrant.
Sequencing and obtaining individual squawks is normally coordinated with approach control.
Headwork dictates that the aircraft be detached in order of fuel criticality.
Inadvertent IFR (Division)
If a formation flight inadvertently enters the clouds and it is obvious that IFR conditions will
prevail more than momentarily, the flight lead will transition to instrument flight and level their
wings. When steady, the lead may coordinate a new squawk and callsign with ATC and detach
the second section.
Another option for a division lead is to reverse their heading in a shallow, gentle turn to exit the
IMC conditions. Turns should be made away from the wingman if in section, or away from the
second section if in division.
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