The second type of Inplace turn is the "Inplace Away". The turn illustrated in Figure 10-7 is an
Inplace Right Away. The mechanics of the "Inplace .Away" turn are identical to the "Inplace
Into". Once again, the aircraft on the outside of the turn (wing in Figure 10-7) will call "Six
clear" after 90 degrees of turn. When the turn is an Inplace Away, the lead will temporarily lose
sight of the wingman. Maintaining sight in a section however is the wingman's responsibility.
For this reason, the lead student will not make a "visual" call when sight is regained.
Figure 10-7 Inplace Away
Cross Turn
The final engaging turn is the Cross Turn. A Cross Turn will change a section's heading 180
degrees without any lateral displacement. A Cross Turn would be utilized to counter a threat
directly aft of the section.
A Cross Turn will be initiated by the lead student. To conduct a Cross Turn, both aircraft will
turn into the section towards each other (Figure 10-8). The lead student will deconflict the flight
with an altitude separation call. In combat spread, the wingman is always stepped-up (approx
1500 ft) during engaging turns, while the lead is always low. For this reason, the lead will
always initiate the turn and identify themselves as the "low aircraft":
LEAD: "Turbo, Cross Turn, Lead's low."
WING: "Two."
During the 180o energy sustaining turn, both students are responsible for clearing the airspace to
the inside and aft of the turn. Since each aircraft has equal responsibility for lookout doctrine
during this turn, no "Six clear" call is required.
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