Inplace Turns
Inplace turns will maneuver a section through 180 of turn and will offset the section laterally in
the direction of the turn. The Inplace Turn will be initiated with a UHF transmission from the
lead student:
LEAD: "Turbo, Inplace Left."
WING: "Two."
Both aircraft will simultaneously commence a level, energy sustaining turn in the same direction
for 180 of heading change.
The turn depicted in Figure 10-6 is an Inplace Left Into. Both students are responsible for
clearing the airspace to the inside and aft of the turn. After 90 of turn, the aircraft on the outside
of the turn (lead in Figure 10-6) calls "Six clear" on the UHF. During the turn, the aircraft to the
inside of the turn (wing in the above example) will lose sight of the other aircraft temporarily.
When the turn is an Inplace Into (as depicted), it is the wingman that will temporarily lose sight
of the lead. This being the case, it is the wing student's responsibility to ensure the lead is aware
sight has been regained by calling "visual" on the UHF. This "visual" call should occur
approximately 135 through the turn as the wing student is scanning inside and aft and visually
reacquires the lead.
WING: "Visual."
LEAD: "Roger."
Figure 10-6 Inplace Into
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