efficiently than their opponent by continuously crossing each others flight paths in a series of
weaves. If you reduce your forward vector sooner than the bogey, you will fall in behind the
bogey and gain the positional advantage. The goal is to remain offensive and maneuver to your
gun's envelope.
Figure 10-18 Flat Scissors
Offensive maneuvering in a Flat Scissors: The goal of the offensive aircraft in a flat scissors is
to shoot the bogey. To do this the offensive aircraft must maneuver to get in-phase with the
bogey in order to bring their guns to bear. This will be accomplished by early turning the bogey
as it approaches your canopy aft bow.
Defensive maneuvering in a Flat Scissors: The goal of the defensive aircraft in a flat scissors
is not to be shot. To do this the defender will attempt to keep the attacker out-of-phase (such that
a guns solution is not possible). As the attacker crosses your extended six, the defender will
reverse its turn to stay out-of-phase and attempt to neutralize the fight.
During the flat scissors demonstration, the IPs will conduct a role reversal such that both students
will have the opportunity to see the maneuver from both an offensive and defensive perspective.
Rolling Scissors (Also Called Vertical Scissors)
Like the flat scissors, the rolling scissors is the result of an overshoot. While a flat scissors often
follows a slower speed horizontal overshoot, the rolling scissors most often results from a higher
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