In executing a guns-D, the defender will need to simultaneously analyze range, closure, and
AOT as well as the attacker's nose position. The defender will tailor its guns-D based on this
analysis. Rolling into the bandit to offer the smallest possible target and pulling out-of-plane
will execute the guns-D.
The choice of vector out-of-plane (up or down) will be determined by energy state and altitude
Scissors Maneuvering
Scissors maneuvering will generally occur after an improperly executed BFM by an attacker,
which results in an in-close overshoot. The attacker's overshoot allows a reversal on the part of
the defender, which may result in a role reversal, neutrality, or perhaps a less defensive position.
There are two types of scissors:
Flat scissors.
Rolling scissors.
In any scissors maneuvering (flat or rolling), the key elements to obtaining a positional
advantage are to stop down range travel (or slowing it relative to your opponent), and utilizing
early/lead turns to force your opponent to flush out in front. With this accomplished we can use
offensive BFM skills to achieve weapons parameters.
Both the flat and rolling scissors will be introduced during BFM-2 from a perch set-up. The
BFM-2 scissors demonstrations will be cooperative maneuvers initiated from a perch set-up.
Students will later see these maneuvers develop as a natural part of 1V1 engagements.
Flat Scissors (Also Called Horizontal Scissors)
The flat scissors is a series of nose-to-nose turns and overshoots performed by two fighters
essentially in the same maneuver plane, each crew attempting to get behind the other for
positional advantage (Figure 10-18). We will initiate the flat scissors from a perch set-up:
Perch PADS:
P - Abeam
A - Lead: 14,000 feet; Wing: 15,500 feet
D - 3/4 NM
S - 250 KIAS
Upon initiating the maneuver with the defensive IP's "Fight's on" call, the attacker will execute a
standard roll-in and low reversal. The attacker will then execute an in-close flight path overshoot
which the defender will take advantage of by reversing. The flat scissors is a slow speed, high
AOA fight where both fighters are attempting to decrease their down range travel more
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