two circle. Because a two-circle fight is a turn rate fight, we will see the wingman's game plan
result in a positional advantage over the lead. The wingman's aggressive slice at corner speed
will result in an angular advantage over the pitching lead aircraft. The fight should resemble the
engagement depicted in Figure 10-24. (In Figure 10-24, the Hornet is slicing in a two circle flow
resulting in positional advantage over the pitching MIG.)
BFM-2 1V1 Engagements
Two engagements will be initiated from an abeam set-up as detailed in the "1V1 Neutral
Engagement Admin" section in this chapter. The fights will be "demo fights" in which
administrative and tactical control will be demonstrated by the IPs. The students will be
expected to determine and make the direction of pass calls at fight initiation. At the merge, a
game plan as detailed in the "First move options" section will be employed. At the merge, the
student will be able to determine the flow.
Proper body positioning at the first merge, and throughout the fight, will enable the student to
maintain sight of the bogey to the greatest extent possible. Maintaining sight will be the key skill
in building SA during the fights.
The flight will RTB in section at the conclusion of the second engagement in accordance with
standard section procedures. Course rules to a low break will be the standard BFM recovery.
1013. BFM-3
BFM-3 is designed to introduce the student to the principals of defensive BFM maneuvering.
Additionally, engaging turns and 1V1 engagements will be practiced, as responsibility for
tactical control of the fights is gradually delegated to the student.
BFM-3 Conduct
Standard BFM administrative procedures will be conducted on BFM-3. Once established in the
assigned working area, the section will execute:
Engaging Turns (Each student will lead one set of turns).
Defenses from a perch set-up (3 for each student).
1V1 Engagements (4).
Defensive Procedures
To continue with our "building block" approach to BFM, defensive procedures will be
introduced on BFM-3 and practiced on all subsequent BFM flights. Three distinct attacks will be
flown which require specific defensive responses.
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