Lower the flaps (full down).
Extend the speedbrakes.
Lower the tailhook.
Once these three items are extended, both crewmembers will place their hands out of the cockpit.
While the crew is "hands out", the PC will check the appropriate control surfaces and tailhook.
It is essential to remain hands out for the duration of the PC checks.
At the completion of the PC checks, the PC will signal the pilot to retract the speedbrakes, raise
the tailhook, and place flaps to one-half. The IP will then be directed to perform a flight control
wipeout. Once the IP is signaled to perform the control wipeout, the student is cleared to switch
the radio to Clearance Delivery and place the clearance on request:
STUDENT (UHF): "Clearance, ROKT 204, NPA-802 on request, ready to copy."
The student will read back the entire clearance to Clearance
After receiving clearance, the OUI will switch the UHF back to Base frequency. At this point,
the student will have completed the Poststart Checklist and most of the Instrument Checklist. Do
not pull pins until initiated by the IP, needle/ball movement can not be determined until the
aircraft taxis, and TACAN is not put into transmit and receive until pulling out of the line.
If an APU cart is not available, the T-2C engines can be started independently with the aircraft
batteries. The conduct is as follows:
IP signals PC and will initiate the start sequence on #2 (right) engine.
IP (ICS): "Starting number 2."
2. During the start sequence, the student monitors engine instruments and the PC for
abnormal start indications. Upon successful start and thumbs up signal from PC:
STUDENT (ICS): "Thumbs up from the PC."
3. After a successful battery start on the #2 (right) engine, the IP turns on the right generator
and the NO. 2 GEN OUT caution light extinguishes. At this point, the student takes command of
the UHF and obtains ATIS.
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