STUDENT: "Engine anti-ice." (Challenge)
IP: "Off/On." (Reply)
STUDENT: "Tip tank dump not required. Fuel is 2.6, wings." (This is a good time to check
fuel status and develop an estimated fuel weight for computing on speed AOA as required in the
Landing Checklist).
The remaining three items in the Penetration Checklist are at the IP's discretion. For example,
the student asks the IP if he or she requires a field brief. Good crew coordination dictates the
student is prepared to provide a field and approach brief, regardless of the field and type of
approach selected. A holding brief is obviously only applicable if holding is expected.
Visual Overhead
The visual overhead (break) is, weather permitting, the recovery of choice for most flights. It is
important for the student to be familiar with the local operating procedures.
Approaching the initial for the runway in use (i.e., X-ray for RWY 7), the student will report the
initial in sight to the Approach Controller.
STUDENT: "Pensacola Approach, ROKT 204, X-ray in sight."
APPROACH: "Roger ROKT 204, contact Tower."
STUDENT: "ROKT 204, switching Tower."
On initial contact with Tower, the student requests the "low break" unless otherwise instructed
by the IP.
STUDENT: "Tower, ROKT 204, two miles south of X-ray, request low break."
TOWER: "Roger ROKT 204, report the numbers runway 7R, low break approved."
When approaching or overhead the numbers:
STUDENT: "Tower, ROKT 204, numbers."
TOWER: "ROKT 204, right break approved."
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