(i.e., work toward the center of the area). Example: After analyzing the BDHI the student states,
"We're in the southwest corner. Recommend we work toward the Northeast."
Unusual attitudes will be conducted on at least one FAM flight. Prior to commencement, the
student will complete the "Stall/Aero Checklist" in accordance with the PCL and report it
complete. The inflight procedures for unusual attitudes are identical to the procedures delineated
in the BI chapter of this FTI. Unlike the simulator, the student will call the appropriate recovery
commands and the IP will fly the recovery.
During climbs and descents, good crew coordination dictates that the student will make "1000
feet prior" (to level-off) calls on the ICS as appropriate. At 5000 feet an ICS "Platform" call will
be made. The history and theory of this call was detailed in the BI chapter.
Prior to commencing an approach, the student will initiate the Penetration Checklist. Every item
on this checklist needs to be reported. Additionally, there are three challenge and reply items.
The checklist should be initiated after obtaining ATIS.
If proceeding to a field that does not provide UHF ATIS, it is
acceptable to continue the Penetration Checklist and cover all
items except weather, which is obtained on initial check-in with
the Approach controller.
STUDENT: "Weather: The field is IFR, 900 feet broken, visibility five miles."
"BDHI is aligned and slaved." The OUI will ask the pilot for the front wet compass reading to
align BDHI on first cruise check and for penetration checks. Otherwise, they can use the aft wet
compass. Mandatory ICS call "aligning the BDHI" is required if the OUI did NOT ask for the
front wet compass heading.
STUDENT: "Pitot heat." (Challenge)
IP: "On." (Reply)
STUDENT: "Canopy defrosts." (Challenge)
IP: "Off/On." (Reply)
STUDENT: "Altimeter, 3004, standby."
IP: "Roger, 3004 and standby."
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