T-45C TS
CR-02; ADV & IUT
Course Rules
At the numbers, rock the wings (daytime) or
flash external lights (nightime)
Look for a green light from the Tower or
break with interval/traffic in sight
Look for green light at the abeam or for cut
lights in the groove for landing clearance. If
no green light/cut lights are observed on
first pass, execute a wave-off
Turn downwind on interval, look for a green
light at the abeam and continue. If no
wave-off lights are observed and the
runway is clear, land on centerline and
rollout to the end
Look for green light from Tower for taxi
clearance to the line
IMC NORDO procedures
(1) On departure
Climb to clearance limit altitude and
continue arc or direct to fix, as assigned
Cross fix at 10000 ft MSL and proceed to
Execute the appropriate approach from
10000 ft MSL for a full stop
(2) On BIN departure
Continue via the 10 DME arc clockwise and
intercept and complete the appropriate
Maintain last assigned altitude until
established on the FAC
Original (05-98)
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