T-45A UJPT & E2-C2 INav-05
TACAN/VOR Navigation Procedures, TACAN/VOR Holding
4. Wind correction
a. Crosswind correction
(1) Used while in holding pattern
(2) Apply wind correction crab angle on outbound
leg that is 2 to 3 times the angle that holds the
aircraft on course inbound
(3) Use SRT in pattern
b. Head winds and tail winds
(1) Affect only timed holding patterns
(2) Adjust outbound time for correct inbound time
NOTE: Head and tail winds affect only non-DME
holding patterns.
COMMON ERROR: Failing to keep track of time
inbound and outbound.
COMMON ERROR: Failing to make wind corrections
large or soon enough prior to turns.
NOTE: Turns should not exceed standard rate or 30
degrees whichever occurs first.
(6-99) Original
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