UJPT, E2-C2, & IUT BIFP-01
Instrument Takeoff, Climb, SIDs, and Arcing Procedures
CAUTION: The gear uplock mechanism can be overridden with 20-50 lbs
of force applied to the gear handle.
Sg 1, fr 11
1. -- Hold wheel brakes
4. - Retract landing gear
-- Advance throttle to MRT
-- Positive rate of climb (on both VSI
-- Check engine instruments
and altimeter)
-- Release brakes to start takeoff roll
-- Safely airborne
while maintaining forward stick pressure
-- Minimum of 100 ft AGL
2. -- Maintain directional control with
5. -- Retract flaps/slats
nose wheel steering
-- Scan: ADI for attitude and heading, airspeed
-- Scan: Engine inst, ADI and airspeed indicator
indicator, VSI, and altimeter for gear clearance
-- After gear
-- At 300 ft min & 140 KIAS minimum
3. -- At 120 KIAS smoothly rotate to a
-- When wings level
takeoff attitude of 10 degrees noseup
-- Check gear, flaps up and no SLATS
(do not exceed optimum AOA)
caution light prior to 200 KIAS
-- Scan: ADI and AOA for pitch, ADI for heading,
airspeed indicator for speed check
6. -- Accelerate to initial climb speed,
maintaining noseup attitude of 10 degrees
-- Adjust pitch to intercept and maintain
climb speed
-- Use a lead point of approximately
5 kt prior to climb speed and increase
noseup attitude to intercept and maintain
climb speed (15 to 20 degrees noseup)
-- Maintain 250 KIAS
-- Perform level off check
(Perform time hack if required)
O. Scan: ADI for pitch, bank, and heading; airspeed indicator and altimeter
P. Accelerate to initial climb speed, maintaining a noseup attitude of 10 degrees
Q. Adjust pitch to intercept and maintain climb speed
Use a lead point of approximately 5 kts prior to climb speed and increase
noseup attitude to intercept and maintain climb speed (15-20 degrees
nose up)
Maintain 250 KIAS
COMMON ERROR: Exceeding 250 KIAS below 10,000 ft.
R. Scan: ADI for attitude and heading, airspeed indicator for climb speed
S. Level off check: After level off, compare front and rear cockpit airspeed and
altimeter readings.
NOTE: If required perform a time hack.
(03-97) Change 1
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