Air Combat Maneuvering
Daisy Chain: A situation where the free fighter pulls for a shot without sufficient lateral separation, misses the
shot, and is forced into an in-phase engagement with the wingman and the bogey, resulting in both fighters
being engagedone offensively and one defensively.
Displacement Roll: An offensive maneuver used to reduce excessive closure while displacing the aircraft to a
different plane of maneuvering. Used in low to medium AOT and medium range situation.
(The) Egg: A theoretical, three-dimensional sphere showing the effects of gravity and the resulting vectors
from maneuvering in all three planes.
Energy Package: The combination of the aircrafts altitude (potential energy) and airspeed (kinetic energy)
making up the aircrafts total energy.
Engaging Turn: An efficient combination of turn rate and radius that maintains energy.
Engaging Turns: The type of turns used by a section to engage an enemy contact, i.e., Tac turns (both into
and away), in-place turns, and crossturns.
Eyeball: Identifies the fighter who has a tally/radar contact and will take bogey close aboard to obtain visual
identification (VID) in section forward-quarter tactics. This pass usually facilitates his wingman acquiring a tally
for a shot.
Feet Dry/Wet: Quick description for being over land or water.
Force Mix: The number and type of friendly vs opponent aircraft to be taken into account when considering
ACM strategies and tactics.
FOX-1: Fox-1 indicates the release of an AIM-7 radar guided missile. The call is made by the aircraft
releasing the missile.
FOX-2: An AIM-9 IR missile and the call made by the friendly fighter just having released a missile.
Gate: To fly at combat thrust in afterburner.
Ground Control Intercept (GCI): Communication from a remote ground station that transmits vectors and
altitude information that guides the fighters to intercept a bogey long before he could be visually (or
electronically) sighted.
Guns: Rear-quarter steady state or snap guns firing solution.
Hard Turn: Compromise between a maximum rate turn and energy conserving turn (300 knots at 17 units
Heads Up: Call indicating that an enemy got through (part or all) or I am not in position to engage target.
High Yo-Yo: Offensive maneuver designed to hold or increase range by decreasing closure rate in low-to-
medium angle off situations.
Holding Hands: Aircraft in close formation.
Horizontal Scissors: Defensive maneuver used to take advantage of an attackers horizontal overshoot.
Also results from the flattening of the rolling scissors.
T-45C Revision 1
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