Aimpoint: The point on the ground that the pipper should cover at release. See also final aimpoint
and initial aimpoint.
Angle of Attack of the Armament Datum Line: The angle between the line of flight and the ADL; not
the AOA read from the AOA indicator.
Armament Control System (ACS): The electromechanical system that releases the selected weapon
upon the pilot's command.
Armament Datum Line (ADL): A fixed longitudinal reference line on the aircraft; it will be parallel to the
flight path at 450 kts provided that fuel load and aircraft configuration are as calculated.
Breakaway Cross: A cross displayed on the HUD indicating that an immediate 4-g pullup is required for
a safe ground clearance of 1,000 ft when the dive angle is greater than 15 degrees.
Circular Error Probability (CEP): The median of
total hits, calculated in
Continuously Computed Impact Point (CCIP): A HUD air-to-ground submode that provides an aiming
reticle showing where the ordnance would hit if released at any given moment.
Curvilinear Tracking: The aircraft following a curved path during tracking rather than a straight path;
the aircraft's ground track is a straight line with the curve (convex) in the vertical plane.
Curvilinear/Straight-Path Tracking: A weapons delivery technique which uses curvilinear tracking until
reaching a predetermined checkpoint, then straight-path tracking to release.
Deflection: The distance to one side of the target of the pipper or impact point.
Depressed Sight Line (DSL): A HUD air-to-ground submode that provides a non-computing aiming
reticle for use in a manual weapons delivery. See also Iron Sight.
Dive Angle: The angle between the flight path and the ground.
Dive Recovery: See Pullout.
(4-03) Original
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