Early Sight Picture: The pipper arrives at the final aimpoint before the aircraft arrives at release
altitude. Will usually result in a short hit.
Final Aimpoint: The point on the ground where the pipper should be at release in order to hit the target;
the final aimpoint is corrected for wind. See also Initial Aimpoint.
Hung Ordnance: Ordnance still attached to aircraft after an attempt to release has been made. Unex-
pended ordnance (no attempt at release) will be treated as hung in the training command.
"In Cold": Indicates that the pilot has no intent to release ordnance and the master armament switch is
"In Hot": Indicates the pilot has intent to release ordnance and that the master armament switch is set
to ARM.
Initial Aimpoint: A point on the ground chosen as a reference for initial pipper placement at the begin-
ning of the run. See also Final Aimpoint.
Interval: The aircraft ahead of you in the pattern; also the distance between you and the aircraft ahead
of you.
Iron Sight: A fixed gun-, rocket-, or bombsight; no computer is used to aid the pilot in aiming. See also
Manual Delivery.
Lame Duck Pattern: The pattern flown by a pilot who for some reason cannot finish his flight but does
not have a serious emergency.
Late Sight Picture: The aircraft arrives at release altitude before the pipper arrives at the final aimpoint.
Will usually result in a long hit.
Line of Flight: The aircraft's path through the air.
Line of Sight: A line from the pilot's eye through the pipper.
(4-03) Original
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