As shown in Figure 20, two types of section
parade turns exist--into and away from the wingman
using 30 degrees AOB. During early formation flights,
parade turn exercises should consist of two 180-
degree turns--one turn into and one turn away.
Into Wingman
The lead turns into the wingman by rolling into 30
degrees AOB at the parade rate of roll (approximately
10 degrees per second). The turn signal is optional
for the lead.
The lead must execute all rolls consistently,
employing a constant rate of roll. The wingman
rotates about the lead's longitudinal axis,
remaining in parade position while matching the lead's
rate of roll. The wingman maintains bearing by
reducing power slightly to compensate for dropping
the nose and being inside the lead's radius of turn. If
power is not reduced when entering the turn, the
wingman will go acute.
In order to roll out of the turn, the lead rolls out using
parade rate of roll. The wingman matches the lead's
rate of roll while rotating about lead's longitudinal axis,
increasing power to maintain the parade bearing.
Awav from Wingman
The lead turns away from the wingman by rolling into
30 degrees AOB at the parade rate of roll. The
lead must make all rolls consistent while using a
constant rate of roll. When flying VFR parade
position, the wingman rotates about his own
longitudinal axis while matching the lead's rate of
roll. He maintains a constant bearing on the lead by
adding a little power to compensate for being outside
the lead's radius of turn. If power is not added when
entering the turn, the wingman will go sucked.
When established in the turn, the wingman maintains a
bearing that will position him in parade when the lead
rolls out of the turn. While in the turn, maintain bearing
by creating a triangle with the lead's center canopy bow,
canopy rail, and the leading edge of the wing (Figure
21). Remember, power controls nose-to-tail relationship,
and AOB controls lateral separation. The wingman will
see the lead's fuselage on the horizon with the horizon
line passing through the lower engine intake.