The farther the wingman's nose is pointed behind the lead, the more rapidly his nose-to-tail distance will
increase. The lonqer his nose is pointed behind the lead, the more nose-to-tail is increased.
The wingman varies g to obtain 1,000 ft of nose-to-tail separation during the first half of the turn and then
pulls onto the lead's radius of turn until the roll-out. The lead completes the breakup turn, levels his wings,
and maintains rendezvous airspeed.
The wingman rolls out of the turn in trail behind the lead with 1,000 ft of nose-to-tail at rendezvous air-
speed. To avoid the lead's jetwash, the wingman should fly slightly stepped up. The wingman must not
adjust power to compensate for nose-to-tail error in trail; rather he should maintain rendezvous airspeed
and correct for being long or short in trail during the rendezvous portion of the exercise. This is an
opportune time to perform a "15 minute" report as in the FAM stage. Report this to the IP over the ICS
as required.
To rendezvous (Figure 25), the lead waits ten seconds or as briefed, and rolls into a 30-degree AOB turn in
either direction. After the lead initiates his turn and is approximately 10-20 degrees left or right of the nose,
the wingman rolls into no more than a 45-degree AOB turn, adding power, if required, to establish 10 KIAS
of closure while moving out to the bearing line.
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