Division cruise positions for Dash-2 and Dash-4 are similar to the section cruise position with Dash-2
maintaining position off the lead and Dash-4 maintaining position off of Dash-3 as in Figure 40. Dash-
3's cruise position is on the 45-degree bearing line from the lead with 20 ft of nose-to-tail and 15 ft
stepdown from Dash-2. Each wingman is free to maneuver within his allotted airspace to maintain
position during turns. When lead gives the cruise signal, Dash-2 will automatically balance the flight.
During division cruise maneuvering, Dash-2 flies cruise on the lead as in section cruise maneuvering.
Dash-3, the second section leader, flies on the 45-degree bearing from the division lead (Dash-1) and
maintains nose-to-tail and stepdown off of Dash-2. Dash-4 flies cruise on Dash-3 as in section cruise
maneuvering. When the lead rolls wings level, the flight returns to balanced formation. The second
section lead (Dash-3) chooses the side of the lead on which to fly and the division lead's wingman
(Dash-2) balances the formation by moving to the opposite side of the lead from Dash-3.
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