When detached, each wingman reduces power smoothly to idle, dirties up at 200 KIAS, and slows to
approach speed. Twenty seconds after detaching Dash-2, the lead dirties up in the same manner as
the wingmen. If the lead makes any turns, the wingmen must follow his track over the ground to
maintain 1,000 ft of interval on the aircraft ahead. When lined up on the extended runway centerline
and intercepting the visual glide path, a normal rate of descent is established. The proper glide path is
maintained with reference to the runway, using the ball when possible, remembering that glide path
information from the ball is less precise at greater distances from the lens. To ensure safe ground
clearance, no division member will descend below 300 ftAGL without acquiring the ball. The lead
lands on the downwind half of the runway, and each subsequent wingman will land on alternating sides
of the runway.
Section Recovery
If weather would dictate taking the division through IMC on the recovery, the flight lead will normally separate
the flight into two sections provided there is another section lead in the flight. The sections will then recover on
a section approach or to the over head weather permitting. Without another section lead, the remaining two
aircraft will recover individually.
Three Plane Contingency
In the event a division sortie is conducted as a three plane, the lead should brief and execute the flight
sequence as follows in order to expose the wingmen to the maneuvers and sight pictures they will see in a four
After the initial rendezvous, the lead should conduct parade turns in echelon to simulate dash-3 and 4 in
fingertip. Next, lead should pass the section crossunder signal via dash-2 to dash-3 who then executes a
standard section crossunder to parade position with an imaginary dash-4. Next, dash-3 is given the standard
crossunder signal by lead. This is the signal for dash-3 to back away from lead and create a space. The lead
should then crossunder dash-2, via standard crossunder signal, who then crosses into the space left by dash-
3. In order to simulate a normal section crossunder, the lead should now signal, via "push away" hand signal or
over the radio, for dash-2 and 3 to back away from the lead and assume the positions of dash-3 and 4. The
lead will then pass the section crossunder signal to the "section" who will then execute a section crossunder,
arriving in parade echelon. The formation should now be in position for breakup and rendezvous. Fuel
permitting, 3 B&Rs should be conducted during each iteration of the sequence. In order to simulate the sight
picture normally seen from the dash-3 and 4 positions, dash-2 should delay 4 seconds before breaking with
dash-3 following 2 seconds later on at least one B&R in each sequence. The cruise sequence should be
performed with a notional dash-4. Dash-2 shall always balance the formation.
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