Division Overhead Entry
The division overhead entry and break interval are the same as the section overhead entry as shown in Figure
42. The lead must plan the overhead entry to give the wingmen time to establish parade echelon prior to
arriving at the airfield but not so soon that extended or steep turns into the echelon formation are required to
line-up with the runway. As in the breakup and rendezvous exercise, Dash-2 sets the break interval (normally 4
seconds), and all aircraft keep the lead on the horizon.
Formation Recovery to Division VFR Straiaht-in
The division VFR straight-in approach facilitates a landing when a situation like fuel state, hung
ordnance, or emergencies make it necessary to do so. The aircraft do not enter the overhead break
pattern but land off a straight-in approach.
The flight lead requests a straight-in approach for a flight of four. The lead should initiate flight breakup
at approximately 8 miles, so that, when the lead is at 3 miles from the airport, all flight members are
established in trail with 1,000 ft separation. To establish trail position, the lead radios to detach each
wingman at 20-second intervals, beginning with the last wingman in the flight. The lead should detach
the wingmen in level flight. After detaching, the wingmen should immediately orient themselves as to
their altitude, airspeed, rate of descent and position in relation to the runway.
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