28 June 2001
otherwise directed. REQUIREMENT, a solid black line. PRODUCTION
PLAN, a solid navy blue line. ACTUAL, a solid dark green line. The
PROJECTED portion shall be a dashed red line. In order to create the
PROJECTED line, simply enter the forecast production by month for the
remainder of the production year to the appropriate row in the Chart
Data sheet.
1. All entries should be made on the sheet entitled "Chart Data".
This sheet is linked to the actual cockpit charts and automatically
creates the graph when filled in.
2. Entries in the upper left cells of "Chart Data" allow you to name
the charts. This information is displayed above the center panels.
3. In the shaded area of the "A" column for each panel enter that
panel's correct name. This will automatically be linked to the
cockpit charts.
4. The chart titles of ALL charts in a particular template are
updated when any information is entered in "Chart Data".
5. Any format changes that you wish to make (percentages, dollars,
etc) should be made before you enter the data.
6. The charts are initially established so that a second set of data
will be plotted on the second (right hand) y-axis.
1. If you wish to eliminate a secondary axis, right click on it.
When the window appears, left click on "clear". Rather than deleting
the axis entirely this allows you to more easily reestablish the
secondary axis later if it is needed. DO NOT DELETE THE DATA SERIES
FROM "CHART DATA". If you do, you will get an error message "External
Reference Source not Valid" when you open the cockpit chart itself.
2. If you wish to establish a secondary axis, right click on the
x-axis. You should get a window that has "Format Data" at the top.
Left click on this and then the tab that is label "Axis". Left click
on secondary axis and the right hand y-axis will be established.
1. When the monthly update of the chart forces a change in the x-axis
legend (MONTHS), simply left click on the edge of the chart. A box
with an option "source Data" will appear. Left click on "Source
2. A box with "Source Data" on the upper left tab will appear. Left
click on series. You will see a box (or boxes) at the bottom labeled
for the X-axis. Simply change the letter in the box to the next in