28 June 2001
First-pass yield (FPY): The measure of products or services that are
acceptably completed on the first attempt without requiring remedial
action or rework. First-In-First-Out (FIFO) A method of inventory
control and accounting which assumes the first items received are the
first to be used. When applied to business processes, FIFO implies the
first action received is the first to be dispatched.
Fishbone analysis: A generic cause and effect diagram used to
determine possible root causes. Also sometimes called Ishikawa diagram
after its inventor. The TGI fishbone adds the element of substitute
processes to aid in driving root cause solutions to the bottom line.
Five I's (5 I's): The components of the competitiveness change
process within a company. (See: "Inspiration," "Identification,"
"Information," "Implementation," "Institutionalization."). The start
of each component is typically time phased as listed, but the bulk of
the application of the 5 I's is concurrent and repetitive more than it
is sequential and one time phases. To protect the TGI trademark, this
should be written as 5 I's Process.
Acronym for "First-pass yield".
Hierarchical measures: A key set of top-to-bottom indicators that
drive action toward competitiveness in all processes. They reduce the
tendency to sub-optimize.
High-low diagnostics: An analytical technique for scrutinizing best-
and worst-case data to reveal barriers. The diagnostics are used to
improve performance of all kinds (productivity, yield, cycle time,
Histogram: A graphic
representation of a frequency distribution. It
is portrayed as a bar
chart where the width of the bars reflects the
size of the variable.
Bar heights are proportional to frequencies of
occurrence (e.g., 20%
of the barriers removed (variable size) causes
80%of the improvement
(bar height).
Hot lot: A batch of work that is expedited through the normal
business process without wait, or queuing time. Hot lots result in
processing delays for other WIP/AIP.
Identification (See "Five I's"): The component of the competitiveness
change process in which the opportunities for performance improvement
are quantified. The second of the Five I's of the change road map.
Implementation (See "Five I's"): The component of the competitiveness
change process in which problems are solved and existing resources are
re-deployed to achieve Entitlement. Implementation begins early and
continues throughout the movement from Baseline to Entitlement.