28 June 2001
Cross-functional team (CFT): A group of people, from different
functional organizations, that has been formed to work together on a
process that crosses functional lines. Barrier removal teams may be
cross-functional themselves, and they work under the guidance of
Cycle Time.
Cycle time, theoretical: The back-to-back process time required for a
single work unit to complete all stages of a task without waiting,
stopping, set-up time, queues, or lost time due to error.
Cycle time, dynamic measurement: The cycle time of a business process
measured on a throughput basis (average inventory divided by speed of
the line) for a specific period.
( Work in Process)
( Actions in Process)
( Processing Speed) ( Processing Speed)
The formula:
(Beginning AIP's + Ending AIP' s) / 2
Cycle Time ≅
(Out' s)
and other frequently used variations are only approximations based on
sampling inventory and line speed. The dynamic formula provides
current and accurate cycle time data when samples are representative
of actual average inventory and processing speed.
Cycle time, static measurement: The cycle time of a business process
measured directly, from "start" to "stop" for a given AIP or group of
AIP's. The data may be displayed as a single value, an average, or as
a frequency distribution. In long cycle time processes, this
measurement may not reflect current performance.
Cycle time, modeled measurement: Modeled cycle time is defined as the
time it would take an action entering a business process to exit the
same process if no further improvements were made in the process cycle
time beyond the day the action enters the process. Various techniques
can be used to make the cycle time judgment including simulation and
roll up of subprocesses where activity is occurring. Modeled cycle
time is primarily applied to long cycle time, low transaction
processes such as Research, Design/Development, and contracting.
Cycle Time (CT): The time elapsed for a unit of work to move between
the start and finish of a process. (See: measurement methods.)
Cycles of Learning: The number of opportunities during a given
calendar year to try, test, modify, feedback, and learn from
performing each critical business process. Opportunities to improve
performance by applying lessons learned back into the process. Cycles
of Learning for a given process are computed by dividing the number