28 June 2001
Naval Aviator Production Process Improvement
Cycle Time
Basis For Measurement
Advanced Strike Fighter NFO
Measurement Definition: The Cycle Time from the time a Strike Fighter
NFO student enters the Advanced Phase of training until the student
completes the winging ceremony. Squadrons include Pensacola: VT-86.
CT = (Beginning Students on Hand + Ending Students on Hand)/2
(Ins + Outs)/2
Beginning Students On Hand = Number of Strike Fighter NFO students who
are in training in the Advanced Phase of training at the beginning of
the period.
Ending Students On Hand = Number of Strike Fighter NFO students in the
Advanced Phase at the end of the period. Number should = (Beginning
Students on Hand + Ins)-(Outs + Attrites)
Attrites = Number of students who do not continue training and are
eliminated IAW CNATRAINST 1500.4F, as of the date of assignment of the
appropriate attrition code.
Ins = Number of Strike Fighter NFO students entered into the Advanced
Phase of Training during the reporting period.
Outs = Number of Advanced Strike Fighter NFO students completing the
winging ceremony.
Source Data And Reporting Frequency For Measurement
Initial data from Monthly Aviation Statistical Report (ASR).
Frequency: Collect and report data monthly. Data should be collected
based on transactions through close of business on the last day of the
month. Data due on the 5th workday following the close of the month.
Two month smoothing is to be used. (see note on cover page)
Submit data to:
CNATRA N32 who will compile and forward to OPNAV N789
Basis For Baseline:
The average of the 10 month period from Oct 97
until Jul 98.
Basis For Entitlement: IAW CNATRAINST 1542.XXX (expressed in calendar
Attachment 1