14 October 2003
CCC and units affected by a Training Change Recommendation (TCR).
If a TCR is received from an FRS or other non-CNATRA wing, the
PTO will route the TCR through the affected SM/CM. The SM/CM is
also responsible for the representation of the TCR at phase
conference reviews and/or its implementation, depending on the
currency of the TCR. Reference: CNATRAINST 1550.6E Chapter 3
and Appendix C.
g. PAT Publications. CNATRA issues a quarterly letter
requiring SM/CMs to identify publications as reprints, changes,
or revisions. It also ensures all user activities have input
into the revisions and/or reprints before ordering publication
stock. A listing of PAT Pubs specific to each stage is found in
the appendix of the reference instruction. Reference: CNATRAINST
1550.6E Chapter 9 and Appendix A.
all audiovisual materials and CAI used in the respective course
for accuracy and relevance. It is important that these materials
are documented appropriately for development standardization.
This includes transparencies, training aids, graphic arts
material, photo services, and video productions, CAI, and
procurement. All facets of instructions--FTIs, IGs, and
examinations as well as visual information--should be updated as
course revision and/or development take place. This ensures all
phases of instruction are current and credible not only within
the TRAWING, but also within the fleet. Reference: NAVEDTRA
135B Chapter 4.0 Section 3.0 and Appendix H.
i. Inter-TRAWING Standardization. Enhance inter-TRAWING
standardization by periodically visiting other units to gather
and exchange ideas, to ensure consistency of instruction, and to
generate new TCRs as necessary. SMs shall fly with other units,
flying the same aircraft or using the same curriculum, on a
quarterly or semi-annual basis to facilitate the exchange. SMs
shall visit each subject unit twice per year, at a minimum.
Reference: CNATRAINST 1550.6E Paragraph 207.
Appendix D