14 October 2003
the stage/course. This management function is divided into six
phases: planning, analyzing, designing, developing,
implementing, and evaluating. A complete understanding of this
process ensures an easier review, revision, and/or development of
the course for both the SM/CM and course instructors. Reference:
NAVEDTRA 135B Chapter 4.0, Section 2.0.
c. Test and Question Review and Management. The SM/CM is
responsible for creating, reviewing, and maintaining his/her
examination question banks. Under the TMS, there should be three
versions of each examination for random administration. Question
banks should be reviewed as required for accuracy and relevance,
annually at a minimum. The SM/CM is responsible for signing and
dating the approval sheets of each examination which ensures that
each examination is reviewed for accuracy and correctness in
format and content. TRAWINGS using TIMS will require a minimum
of three questions per learning objective or 100 different
questions total, whichever is greater. These test questions will
be reviewed and updated for accuracy, bi-annually at a minimum.
References: CNATRAINST 1550.6E Chapter 8; NAVEDTRA 135B Chapter
5 Section 2.0 and Appendix B.
d. IG Review and Management. As tests and questions are
updated periodically, the SM/CM must also review lecture guides
relevant to his/her stage. Ensure that all IGs are reviewed,
updated, and personalized by each instructor within the
stage/course: Each instructor is required to have a personalized
lecture guide for each course he/she may instruct by CNATRA
direction. When an IG is reviewed, revised, or updated, the SM
is responsible for signing the approval cover sheet of the guide,
guaranteeing the correct changes have been made in accordance
with the revisions of FTIs and examinations or questions. The
IGs are then submitted to the TRAWING standardization officer who
also reviews the IG for accuracy and correctness before signing
his/her approval. References: CNATRAINST 1550.6E Chapter 7 and
Appendix J; NAVEDTRA 135B Appendix H Part 4.
e. FTI Review and Management. One of the primary
responsibilities of the SM is to review, revise, and submit FTIs
or applicable chapters to comprehensive FTIs. The SM must ensure
that each FTI, or appropriate chapter, has proper content,
correct form, and complete objective goals. The FTI is a support
resource that elaborates on concepts referenced in NATOPS and the
MCG. The FTI(s) are comprehensive and should contain all
information needed to complete the applicable phase of training.
Reference: CNATRAINST 1550.6E Chapter 6 and Appendix G.
f. The Training Improvement Program (TIP). In the TIP
process, the SM/CM is the action officer coordinating between the
Appendix D