22 May 06
(2) Incorporate emergency procedures training into
simulator events when practical; however, instructional block
objectives take precedence.
(3) Grade the student's overall EP knowledge and
performance under Emergency Procedures.
10. Mission Grading Procedures and Evaluation Policies
a. General Grading and Evaluation Policy. Maneuver item
files listed in the MPTS are minimum stage/phase completion
standards per maneuver.
Grading Procedures (Aircraft and Training Devices)
(1) Absolute Maneuver Grading. Use the following grading
scale to document the student's characteristic performance on
maneuvers attempted during each dual event. This is an absolute
grading scale. Judge the student's proficiency only against the
item's course training standard. (See Student Performance
Measurement/Application of Standards, page xi, Course Data,
paragraph 21.)
(a) Demonstrated (NG/1 Level).
Enter "No Grade":
1. When the IP demonstrates the maneuver and
the student does not subsequently perform it during the event.
2. For solo flights, where an IP cannot observe
individual graded items.
3. To indicate accomplishing all SSRs for that
event. Specify completed SSRs in the ATF's SSR comments
(b) Unable (U/2 Level). Performance is unsafe or
lacks sufficient knowledge, skill, or ability. Deviations
greatly exceed CTS, significantly disrupting performance.
Corrections significantly lag deviations or aggravate the
(c) Fair (F/3 Level). Performance is safe, but with
limited proficiency. Deviations exceed CTS, detracting from
performance. Corrections noticeably lag deviations, and may not
be appropriate.