18 May 1999
military pilot or flight officer training.
This category shall
be utilized only for U.S. students.
(c) If the board suspects the cause to be "not
aeronautically adapted" (NAA) as defined in Appendix D of this
instruction, the student is referred to the Medical Department
for disposition. It is the responsibility of the Medical
Department rather than the board to categorize the students under
this cause for attrition.
(d) If not officer material is a cause, it constitutes a
permanent disqualification from further officer candidate
training in the naval service, and a negative recommendation for
further training leading to a commission in the military service.
This category shall be used for U.S. students only.
(2) Retain. If the recommendation is to retain, and no
conditions are to be set, the board shall recommend the type and
amount of extra instruction, if any, and a recheck, if required.
In no case may the board exceed the limits of Table VIII-2.
(3) Retain Conditionally. If the recommendation is to
retain conditionally, the board shall recommend the type and
amount of extra training, if any, and a recheck if required.
Additionally, the board may award a special progress check (refer
to paragraph 714). The board stipulates that failure to
successfully complete the specific conditions of the return to
training shall result in direct referral to the TRAWING commander
e. If the board determines that the student voluntarily and
willfully failed flight tests, performance tests, or academic
examinations, or committed breaches of discipline in order to
terminate flight training, this is also recorded. Such cases are
categorized as the type of failure primarily responsible for the
appearance before the board.
f. SNAs who are being processed for an unsatisfactory event,
and subsequently submit a Drop on Request (DOR), will be
processed as a DOR.
g. At the conclusion of the board's deliberation, the student
shall be recalled before the board and the senior member shall
inform the student of the board's recommendation.
810. ACTION FOLLOWING A PRB. The board's report shall be
forwarded to the squadron CO or CO, NAVAVSCOLSCOM, in all cases.
a. The CO, NAVAVSCOLSCOM has the authority to approve, modify,
or overrule the recommendations of all PRBs conducted at
NAVAVSCOLSCOM with no further action required.