18 May 1999
(3) Do you wish to continue in this program?
(4) Do you have any personal problems that have affected
your performance in the training program?
c. All members of the board are given the opportunity to
question the student and the student is allowed to make a
statement in his own behalf. The following is a list of sample
questions that may be asked:
(1) How do you study your procedures?
(2) How much do you study?
How do you study?
(3) What can we do to help you?
(4) Do you feel you are capable of safely and successfully
completing your next flight or a solo event? Why?
(5) Do you feel comfortable in the air?
(6) Do you feel you know your procedures well on the
(7) Do you feel you execute your procedures properly in the
(8) Ask procedural questions; specific questions about
possible problem areas in the student's personal life, such as
financial problems, health problems, sleeping problems; ask what
motivates them to fly.
d. After considering all the factors relevant to the case, to
the satisfaction of all members, the board in closed session, and
by secret ballot, determines by majority vote, whether to
recommend attrition or retention. If the decision is to retain,
the board will determine whether conditions will be placed on
retention as outlined in paragraph 809.d.(3) below.
(1) Attrite. If the recommendation is to attrite, the
board delineates the cause(s) of attrition on the PRB summary
form. Only the categories of attrition in Appendix D of this
instruction may be used. If more than one cause is given, the
causes shall be numbered and listed in order of importance.
(a) If flight failure is a cause, it constitutes a
permanent disqualification from further naval pilot training, and
a negative recommendation for any further military pilot
training, except as discussed in paragraph 903 concerning
pipeline changes. (See NPC MANUAL 6610360).
(b) If not aviation material (NAM) is a cause, it
constitutes a permanent disqualification for further student
naval aviator (SNA) and a negative recommendation for any