Fuel on board is 3 + 10 for VNAV/AVX/STK/COMP flights and 4 + 00 for
ANAV/AN flights.
Another notable difference is the number of people on board. The pilot in command
will be a pilot from CTW-6/NPA. Leave the name blank, unless you can figure this
out by referencing a Raytheon Flight Schedule. The rest of the crew will be listed in
the available rows with the mission commander designated as MC to the left of the
name. IAW standard operating procedures (SOP), the senior NFO/NAV instructor on
board is designated as the mission commander. If there is an observer on the flight,
the designation is OBS.
a. Preflight Brief
Intermediate Students will brief ANAV-19-21, VNAV-6&7, and AVX-2X flights.
Required briefing items are listed in the appendices. Review your squadron T-1A/T-39
Briefing Guide for specific brief items.
Advanced students should become familiar with the VT-86 Briefing Guide and
reference it for briefing standards.
b. Departure Brief (TCAS)
The Departure Brief will be given as part of the crew brief in the Before Takeoff
First turn/DME
First course after takeoff
Initial altitude restriction
EHSI setup
c. Field Brief (ERLONA)
The Field Brief should be given as part of the Descent checklist. Always ask if the
pilot requires the Field Brief; he may not need it. However, it should always be done when
flying into an unfamiliar airport, which will occur during out-and-in, or cross-country
Field elevation
Description of runways and arresting gear
"Runway description"
Description of runway lighting
Location of highest obstructions
Location of NAVAID
Minimum Safe Altitude and NOTAMS
"Altitude (MSA)"
d. Holding Brief (FETL)
The Holding Brief is given during the Descent checklist if holding is expected:
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