Define the holding fix
Type of entry
Direction of turns
"Turn direction"
Length of Legs
"Leg lengths"
e. Approach Brief (ICARM)
The Approach Brief (required) is given during the Descent Checklist or in holding:
IAF - Radial and DME, altitude
"IAF location"
First course after the IAF and DME of arc if req
First altitude to descend to and first restriction
MDA/DH and HAT/HAA (set in radar altimeters)
f. Missed Approach Brief (MIF)
The Missed Approach Brief is given on the final approach course, after the landing
checks, but prior to the FAF. On a GCA, the missed approach instructions given by the
controller need not be repeated. The Missed Approach Brief includes either published
instructions or verbal climb out instructions for an enroute approach. The brief contains:
Missed Approach Point (MAP)
Initial heading
"Initial heading"
First altitude
"First Altitude"
After briefing a stereo route, it is the student's responsibility to get a weather brief. When
filing a DD-175, the pilot will pick up the DD-175-1 (weather brief). Once at the aircraft, a
thorough preflight of the aircraft shall be performed by all crewmembers.
The sequence of copying ATIS and Clearance may vary. It is possible the pilot will want
to pull out of the chocks before completing the Before Taxi checks in order to clear the plane
captain early. The importance of clearing the right side of the aircraft while the aircraft is
moving cannot be overemphasized. Once clear of all aircraft in the ramp area, the call to Base
and Ground for taxi clearance shall be made. In VT-86, the instructor will call Base.
a. Taxiing
Clear the right side of the aircraft.
When clear of the aircraft line, initiate the Taxiing Checklist.
In the hold short area, switch the radio to Tower.
When the crew is ready, contact Tower for takeoff.
During the checklists there should be a smooth flow of information between the pilot and
SNFO. While verbalizing the flight instrument check, ensure: the altimeter is set within limits;
gyros are erect, stable, no off flags; VSI shows XXX; EHSI heading XXX; airspeed shows Zero,
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