All flights will be planned to arrive at the destination IAF with the minimum fuel required to
execute the divert profile IAW OPNAV 3710. That fuel is dependent on what your alternate is
for that day and will affect your MCF fuels. For example: if Eglin is the alternate that day then
you must have enough fuel to arrive at the destination IAF, proceed to Eglin's IAF, shoot the
approach and land with 600 lbs IAW TW-6 SOP and OPNAV 3710. If the alternate is
something different (i.e. Eglin doesn't qualify and you have to use Mobile or Maxwell AFB),
then you have to arrive at NPA's IAAF with more fuel to be able to make it to the alternate with
the required fuel.
On a VFR day where a weather alternate is not required but we must have a divert anyway
(Training Command rules), consider using Pensacola Regional (PNS) as the divert and adjust
your fuel numbers accordingly.
NOTE: PNS is NOT a suitable WX alternate for NPA (for planning purposes) due to it's
proximity to home base. However, nothing prevents use of good judgement to go to PNS if the
wx there is sufficient to shoot an approach and NPA is down for any reason.
INTERMEDIATE NOTE: You are required to bring a non-winded but completed flight log and
DD-175 to every flight corresponding to each of the T-39 stereo routes (NPA 150, NPA 151,
NPA 152, and NPA 153). For low-level stereo routes bring a generic 50X-A (Alpha) flight log
as well as the NPA-150 series flight logs. See your in-flight guide for routings.
You are required to complete a DD-175 for each flight in accordance with FLIP General
Planning without error. DD-175's are only filed at Base Operations when indicated on the flight
schedule by "DD-175 required." A practice DD-175 is required for all other flights
(INTERMEDIATE ONLY). The Instructor NFO/ Navigator (INFO/NAV) will review it. If it is
necessary to file a flight plan, turn in two copies to wx shop at base ops, after the instructor
reviews the flight plan.
T-39 Flight Plans are slightly different from T-34 Flight Plans:
The controlling agency for the T-39 aircraft is CTW-6 vice VT-4 / 10
The TD designation is SBR-1 / A.
On composite (low-level) flight plans the last entry in the IFR route of flight is the
fix/radial/distance of the low-level entry point. The next line is the VR. When
transitioning to IFR after the low-level, the fix/radial/distance of the VR exit point is
filed in the point of departure block of the next line.
Low-levels will be annotated in the remarks section as follows:
"VR1020 E2315 X2345"
A VOID time is required for any stopover flight plan and any flight plan that has an
enroute terminal delay. The IFR pop-up point after a delay is listed under point of
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