4-1. Communicate via two-way radio using standard military and FAA terminology with
appropriate agencies and aircrew during: (a) ground operations, (b) departure, (c) enroute, (d)
formation flight and (e) arrival; in VMC or IMC, wingman, day or night, given assigned mission
and route, in normal or emergency conditions, and with no errors that will preclude mission
5-2. Complete a Flight Log given a mission, FLIPs, NATOPS, OPNAVINST 3710.7R, and
forecast weather in accordance with appropriate PAT Pub without error.
5-5. Complete a DD-175 using FLIP and Flight Log information, given a mission, in
accordance with appropriate PAT Pub without error.
6-4. Complete applicable parts of a naval aircraft flight record (yellow sheet) during pre/post
flight without error.
B-1 Plan a mission to be flown under Instrument Flight Rules to include the following:
a. Extract data from FLIP.
b. Extract data from NATOPS.
c. Prepare a jet log.
d. Prepare a DD-175.
e. Obtain, interpret, and apply DD-175-1 information.
All of the above should be IAW Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR), OPNAVINST
3710.7R, and TRAWING SIX Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), to the accuracy of: fuel
+ 100 lbs, time + min, course 2 , and DD-175 no errors.
B-2 Make recommendations to intercept and fly a specified course IAW FAR, OPNAVINST
3710.7R, and TRAWING SIX SOP, to include:
a. Jet routes, + 2nm or + 3 degrees whichever is less.
b. VHF Omni directional Range (VOR) routes, + 2nm or + 3 whichever is less.
c. Departure Procedures, + 2nm or + 3 whichever is less.
d. Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN) point-to-point, within 3 nm.
e. TACAN arcs, + 1 nm.
f. Published TACAN, ILS, VOR, and non-directional radio beacon approaches, + 2 nm or
+ 3 whichever is less.
B-3 Select and identify NAVAID without error.
B-4 Determine position from NAVAID within 1 nm.
B-5 Determine navigation course winds within 20, speed + 10 knots.
B-6 Adjust headings and speed or estimated times enroute (ETEs) to compensate for computed
wind effects within 1 degree of course, + 1 min. ETE.
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