B-7 Ensure compliance with SIDs, approaches, and Air Traffic Control (ATC) clearances IAW
B-8 Monitor aircraft's airspeed, altitude, rate of climb or descent, attitude, fuel consumption
and systems operation throughout duration of flight or simulator training event IAW FARs,
B-9 Make recommended corrections to return aircraft to intended course within 1 nm.
Determine aircraft position in relation to intended course within 1 nm.
B-11 Determine amount and duration of heading correction to return aircraft to intended course
within 1 nm.
Coordinate correcting aircraft to intended flight path with pilot within 1nm.
B-13 Direct appropriate aircraft flight profiles, with emphasis on airspeed, or maintaining and
changing altitude IAW NATOPS, without error.
B-14 Communicate clearly and concisely using radios with appropriate agencies using standard
military and FAA terminology so that 95% of transmissions need not be repeated.
B-15 Communicate clearly and concisely with embarked crew members using ICS without
interfering with incoming radio transmissions without error.
B-16 Direct avoidance of meteorological hazards to flight by evaluating differences between
forecast weather, forecast updates, and observed weather without error.
Interpret meteorological conditions for aviation hazards enroute without error.
B-18 Use aviation weather services to update forecast of enroute and destination weather
without error.
B-19 Direct flight course and destination deviation as appropriate to avoid or minimize
hazardous meteorological conditions IAW OPNAVINST 3710.7R and TRAWING SIX SOP
without error.
B-20 Ensure all landings are made with adequate fuel reserves IAW OPNAVINST 3710.7R
and TRAWING SIX SOP without error.
B-21 Direct appropriate destination deviation if sufficient fuel based on ETE and fuel
consumption computations, is unavailable IAW OPNAVINST 3710.7R and TRAWING SIX
SOP without error.
Update fuel requirements at each navigational checkpoint within + 200 lbs.
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