All Enabling Objectives are tested on a written examination to the accuracy of 80% unless
otherwise specified. This learning unit of instruction interfaces with flights ANAV-18 through
ANAV-21 (Intermediate), AN-1 through LL-4X (advanced Core), STK-1 through Comp-6X
(Advanced Strike), and FSTK-1 through FA-4X (Advanced Strike Fighter). The final
performance checks are the end-of-course examinations and the AVX-2X (Intermediate), and all
check rides in advanced.
2-1. Maintain or make recommendations to maintain a specified course, given a published
standard instrument departure or approach, to a tolerance of: arcs + 1 nm; course + 3 o or 2 nm.
(whichever is less).
2-2. Maintain or make recommendations to maintain a specified enroute course, including
TACAN point-to-points, given radio aids to navigation, FLIPs and appropriate charts, to a
tolerance of: + 5 or 3 nm (whichever is less).
Determine wind direction and speed, given a T-39 mission: + 30 o, + 10 kts.
2-9. Maintain or make recommendations to maintain assigned and published altitudes, given a
specified route or assigned a specific altitude, in accordance with Federal Aviation Regulations.
2-10. Execute or make recommendations to execute holding procedures, given a specified
holding course, in accordance with Federal Aviation Regulations.
2-12. Execute or make recommendations to execute VFR entry and traffic pattern procedures,
given a specified airfield, in accordance with FLIP and local directives.
2-15. Execute "DRAFT" in flight as required, given instructor assistance, without error.
3-1. Update destination Initial Approach Fix (IAF) estimated fuel remaining and mission
completion feasibility at each navigational checkpoint factoring in the effects of forecast and
observed meteorological conditions, given a specified course, Flight Log, and forecast and
observed weather, to a tolerance of: + 100 lbs.
3-2. Make recommendations for an alternate destination based on estimated fuel requirements,
and observed and forecast meteorological conditions, given a specified course, Flight Log and
forecast and observed weather without error.
3-3. Update estimated time of arrival at destination, prior to flight, given a specified course,
Flight Log, and forecast weather to a tolerance of: + 5 minutes of the Instructor's calculations.
3-4. Update estimated time of arrival at each navigational checkpoint and after each ground
speed check, given a specified course and Flight Log to a tolerance of: +1 minute of actual
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