CP: "Yaw damper."
P: "Disengaged P."
CP: "Disengaged CP."
CP: "Before Landing Checklist complete."
Missed approach/climb out instructions will be given on final approach course after the Before
Landing Checklist is complete and prior to the FAF. Once the P takes over visually, the
SNFO/SCSO should be scanning the "meatball" (if an Optical Landing System (OLS) is
available), "lineup", "AOA/Airspeed", or the Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI)/Precision
Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) otherwise. Generally, no comments should be made unless the
aircraft is outside safe landing parameters (i.e., 5 KTS below/10 KTS above airspeed or 100 feet
off altitude on final) or conflicting traffic has been observed. The SNFO/SCSO should, prior to
touchdown, perform a final safety check including landing gear, flap setting, and clearance to
Allow a minimum of 2 minutes before landing behind a larger-type aircraft or helicopter and a
minimum of 3 minutes behind heavy jet aircraft. The P should attempt to remain above and
upwind of the flightpath of the preceding aircraft.
Touch-And-Go Landing (Will not be completed on student flights)
Immediately after nosewheel touchdown, the P will set the flaps to 10 and reset the stabilizer
trim to the takeoff trim setting. When this is set, the P will set throttles to the go-around N1
setting and continue with normal takeoff procedures. Minimum rotation speed has been
calculated in the landing data (VREF). When rotation speed is reached call, "Rotate". The P
rotates 13-15 degrees noseup and prompts the initiation of the After Takeoff or Pattern
Checklists (make normal Takeoff (T/O) calls for gear and flaps). Recompute VREF speeds for
each 500-pound change in landing weight.
The decision to execute a missed approach should be made as early as possible. When executing
a missed approach or when directed to go around or "wave off" an approach, the P will advance
the throttles to go-around N1. When the P calls for "Flaps 10", retract the flaps from Full to 10.
When two positive rates of climb are established, the P will call "Gear up." If not departing the
pattern, continue to monitor positive rate of climb, maintain compliance with departure/climb out
instructions and keep your "head on a swivel" looking for traffic.
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