Make appropriate altitude calls during the descent: passing 15K Mean Sea Level (MSL), 10K
MSL, 5K AGL, 4K MSL, 3K MSL, 2K MSL, 1K MSL, 1000 feet prior to any assigned altitude
above 1000 feet, "Rad Alt Alive" (Radio Altimeter is active at 2500 feet AGL), 200 feet prior to
any altitude below 1000 feet AGL, and Minimum Decent Altitude (MDA) or DH. Radar
Altimeter should be set to Height Above Touchdown (HAT)/Height Above Airport (HAA)
(HAA if expecting a circling approach). Use of anti-ice will be predicated on whether the flight
encounters or expects to encounter icing conditions. A minimum N2 setting of 70% for effective
anti-icing may preclude a penetration approach.
Before Landing Checklist
The Before Landing Checklist may be initiated once the Descent Checklist is complete and in the
vicinity of your destination. After the first three items, hold the checklist at the gear.
Configuring the aircraft for landing or "dirtying up" occurs once the airspeed has been reduced
below 200 KIAS and downwind in the break, 8-10 NM prior to landing on TACAN approach, 10
NM out and within 30 of final on a Ground Controlled Approach (GCA), no later than "1 dot
below" glidepath on ILS, or 10 NM out on a visual straight-in. Similar to the After Takeoff
Checklist, the aircraft will be configured on P command and, once in the final landing
configuration, the checklist run to verify everything is set up prior to landing.
General flow for configuration will be:
When reaching configuration parameters the P will command "Flaps 10, gear down."
2. The student verifies airspeed below 200 KIAS, then places flap handle to 10 and the gear
handle down.
3. Shortly before Final Approach Fix (FAF), abeam, or glideslope intercept, the P will
command "Flaps 30."
Student verifies airspeed below 170 KIAS, then places flap handle to 30.
AVIATE, NAVIGATE, COMMUNICATE, and then complete Before Landing Checklist:
CP: "Gear?"
P: "Down P."
CP: "Down CP."
CP: "Flaps?"
P: "30 P."
CP: "30 CP."
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