After Takeoff Checklist
When instrument and visual references (if available) both show a climb, verbalize, "Two positive
rates of climb." If you do not see a positive rate of climb, then, with definite voice inflection,
say, "Climb." In Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC), scan airspeed, VSI, and the
altimeter. In Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) scan airspeed and outside.
When the P calls, "Gear up," place the gear handle in the UP position. Passing 400 feet Above
Ground Level (AGL) verbalize, "400 feet." When the P calls, "Flaps up After Takeoff Checklist,"
retract the flaps to 0 and run the After Takeoff Checklist. At a minimum, verify gear and flaps up
prior to 200 KTS. During the "pressurization" step, ensure the manual pressurization knob is set
to full increase and the bleed air switch is set to NORM. Do not let the P exceed 250 KTS below
10,000 feet. Remember, your priorities are Aviate, Navigate, Communicate, and checklists.
("Gear-UP" and "Flaps-UP" are Aviate items; the rest of the After Takeoff Checklist may require
a lower priority).
Pattern Checklist
This checklist should be used any time you enter the Visual Flight Rules (VFR) (closed) pattern,
radar pattern, or Instrument Landing System (ILS) pattern immediately after takeoff. As a part of
the crew brief, re-compute Landing Reference Speed (VREF).
Climb Checklist
This checklist is not required if final level-off is 10,000 feet or below. The P will set Maximum
Continuous Thrust (MCT) as given by the CP and accelerate to 220 or 250 knots depending on
climb profile. At 10,000 feet, prompt the P for initiation of the Climb Checklist. Passing
transition altitude, finish the Climb Checklist. Aux cool should be turned off prior to turning on
the windshield heat. At level off altitude, the P will remain at MCT until reaching desired cruise
Cruise Checklist
At initial level-off and periodically during cruise, perform the Cruise Checklist. These are
mostly CP responses except for the electrical system. Both the CP and the P will check the
generator and inverter output.
Descent Checklist
Approximately 100-150 NM prior to the destination Initial Approach Fix (IAF), you should get
ATIS and initiate the Descent Checklist. The crew brief should include the Weather Brief, Field
Brief, Holding Brief (180 knots), and Approach Brief. Fuel and landing data consists of
checking fuel quantity, balance, and crossfeed in NORM, go-around N1, 1.3 in the AOA, and
VREF. VREF is computed by subtracting 2 knots for every 500 lbs of fuel consumed from 118
KTS. For example, if the fuel consumed counter reads 1569 lbs, VREF would be 112 KIAS.
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