The student sets the airspeed bug on Go/No-Go Speed (S1), the P sets Climb Out Speed (VCO),
Takeoff Rated Thrust (TRT) and the Angle of Attack (AOA) bug to 1.2, and both memorize
Rotation Speed (VROT).
Familiarity with the Display Select Panel (DSP) for Navigational Aid (NAVAID) display is
important. Know how to set up your TACAN needle, TACAN Distance Measuring Equipment
(DME), Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) Course (CRS) bar, and heading bug for departure.
The first "at" or "at or below" altitude restriction will be set into the Altitude Preselect.
The crew brief consists of a Departure Brief from the student and abort brief from the P. Some
factors affecting abort are aircraft weight, airspeed, condition and length of the runway, and
wind. Switch radio to tower frequency entering the hold short area.
Line-Up Checklist
Once the Before Takeoff Checklist is complete, initiate items 1-5 of the Lineup Checklist. Now
call for takeoff. When cleared for position and hold, or takeoff, clear the "groove" (final), and
down the runway. Clear the runup area for Foreign Object Damage (FOD) and verbalize the
status of the arresting gear. Upon receiving takeoff clearance and lined up on the runway,
complete the last two steps of the Lineup Checklist.
Turn the transponder from STBY to ON and ensure the correct squawk is set. Annunciators
include Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) lights on upper outboard instrument panel,
red or amber lights on glare shield and the center stacks. As a final check, note takeoff time and
verify EHSI and wet compass headings correspond to the runway heading.
Takeoff (Takeoff Checklist)
If aircraft takeoff data or climb out performance requires an Air Cycle Machine (ACM) OFF
takeoff, the student will run the Takeoff (ACM OFF Takeoff procedures) Checklist.
After completing the Lineup and Takeoff Checklists (as required), the P sets power to 80-85%
N1. If you see any annunciators, call out the light to the P. The P acknowledges with the intent
to continue or abort takeoff.
The P releases the brakes while advancing the throttles and setting power to TRT by 60 knots.
As the airspeed comes alive, the student will call, "Off the peg." Passing 80 knots, the student
will call, "80 knots." If an "acceleration (accel) check" is required, it is only necessary to call out
the accel check airspeed instead of "80 knots." Your scan should include the runway
environment, the airspeed indicator, engine instruments, and annunciators. At S1 call out, "S1."
At VROT call, "Rotate," and the P rotates the aircraft to 13-15 degrees noseup attitude. Often S1
and VROT occur at the same time thus the call will be, "S1, rotate."
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