(Extinguishes by 27% N2, indicating EFC
(Starter Switch light extinguishes by 45% N2)
(In normal operating range and HYD PRES LO out)
Look for engine to stabilize at idle Revolutions per Minute (RPM) and the Boost Pump
Operation light to extinguish. After I5201, the student will verbalize these start calls. The goal
is recognition of a normal jet engine start sequence. Once normal starts have become routine,
abnormal starts will be more obvious.
Before Taxi Checklist
The GPU will be disconnected and chocks removed for taxi. As a technique, contact Squadron
Base and Ground prior to releasing parking brake. Complete the checklist and clear the aircraft
prior to pulling out of parking.
Taxi Checklist
In the immediate line area, students will not perform checklists or talk on the radios. Visually
confirm you are clear of obstructions and the line of aircraft before initiating the Taxi Checklist.
Scan should be from 9 to 4 o'clock. When taxiing, the first priority is to keep the aircraft clear of
any dangers in the line area, taxiways, and intersections. When unsure of aircraft clearance from
an obstacle, command the P to "stop".
The three previous checklists were performed in the chocks and you, more than likely, had your
head down and looking at the checklist. You must now transition from a mostly "inside" scan to
an "inside and outside" scan while taxiing. If you must, use your finger to keep your place on the
checklist while scanning outside. If you lose your place in the checklist go back to the last item
you know for sure you completed and repeat that item. The P may say, "We have done that
already," but its better to be redundant and safe than to miss an item on a checklist because you
lost your place.
When checking the flight instruments, ensure a smooth flowing scan such as: "I have 2 airspeed
indicators indicating zero, 2 gyros erect stable no off flags, 2 altimeters reading 40 feet, Vertical
Speed Indicator (VSI) reading zero, EHSI and wet compass agree passing two-niner-zero, ball is
alive." The order of checking instruments is not as important as ensuring that all required
instruments are checked. Students set the radio altimeter Decision Height (DH) knob to 400 feet
for departures and visual recoveries.
Before Takeoff Checklist
This checklist verifies the aircraft is configured for takeoff.
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