Each crew will slow flight the damaged aircraft close to the landing field above 7000 feet AGL
by dropping the gear (flaps may be lowered if wing damage is not suspected) at 165 knots or
below and check slow flight characteristics. The pilot will make shallow turns in both directions
to determine landing characteristics. In the final analysis, the pilot of the damaged aircraft must
decide whether or not he has ample angle of bank and pitch authority to land the aircraft safely.
Proceed directly to either the nearest suitable field or home field.
Inadvertent IFR: Two Plane Procedures
In the event that dash two loses sight of the lead, he will transition to instrument flight, turn away
from the lead (or roll wings level if the turn is away from the wingman) and transmit that he has
lost sight. The objective is to establish a 30 heading differential for one minute, then turn so
that both aircraft are on a parallel heading. If in a climb or descent, the wingman shall level off
momentarily while the lead continues his climb or descent to the assigned altitude, the goal being
to establish a 1000 feet altitude buffer between the aircraft until VMC or an ATC clearance can
be attained. All headings and altitudes should be coordinated over the radio so as to expedite a
join up once VMC and to avoid a collision/ground contact. All aircraft should do their best to
maintain sight and formation integrity with the aircraft ahead of them to minimize these lost
sight situations.
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