standard hand signals and perform a standard recovery in accordance with the weather
If in VMC, stay VFR and bring the NORDO plane into the break. Perform a normal break and
request clearance for yourself and the NORDO wing. A touch and go or landing will signify
clearance to land to the wingman. Additionally, the lead may request the ALDIS lamp for the
NORDO. Once on deck, the lead will wait for the wing to clear the duty and obtain clearance for
the flight to taxi to the line.
If in IMC, the lead will have to recover the NORDO plane with a section instrument approach.
Standard section approach procedures will be utilized. At approximately 500 feet AGL, with a
centered ball and in a position for a safe landing, the lead will pat the dash (meaning the wing is
cleared to land) and "kiss" the wingman off. The wingman should then make a normal approach
and landing. The lead will continue at 500 feet AGL and 135 KIAS to be in position for the
wingman to rejoin if required. If the wingman does a touch-and-go or goes missed approach, he
should find his lead at 10-11 o'clock or 1-2 o'clock at pattern altitude or below the ceiling. The
wing may rejoin the lead for another approach. With the wingman safely on deck, the lead may
circle to land or proceed with another instrument approach.
If you lose comm and lose sight of your wingman, a standard lost-sight/lost-comm point will
always be briefed so you can affect an expeditious join-up for RTB.
Down Aircraft (SAR)
In the event one aircraft in a flight of two or more develops difficulties to the point that the
aircrew are forced to eject, the responsibility of coordinating Search and Rescue (SAR) will be
the responsibility of the senior Mission Commander in the flight. He will coordinate remaining
aircraft de-confliction.
On the local appropriate frequency or 282.8, the location will be passed (TACAN cut and
geographical). Assistance will be requested and a brief explanation of what has happened will be
passed. It is essential that names are not given.
Although getting aid to the downed crew is important, the safe conduct of the remaining
members of the flight is equally important. The Mission Commander may designate a high and
low orbit. The low orbit will check on the condition of the downed crew and crash scene. He
will advise the high orbit, which will then relay the information. When any aircraft reaches a
predetermined low fuel state he will RTB or divert as appropriate.
Mid-Air Collision
The first consideration after a mid-air collision is naturally to regain control of the aircraft if it
can be flown, or eject if the aircraft is out of control. The elements of the formation will separate
and not rejoin.
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