Snapshot PADS
P - Abeam
A - 14,000 feet
D - 1/2 to 3/4 NM
S - 250 KIAS
Figure 10-13 Snapshot Drill
The shooter can execute one of two types of snapshot attacks:
Reversal attack
Pull through attack
The timing and the comm are the same in both attacks.
Reversal attack: The first type (and the more difficult of the two) is the reversal. During the
reversal type, the attacker rolls into the target then reverses his turn to get slightly in-phase with
the target. This is usually done to reduce excessive noseto-tail distance (range). The AOT will
naturally be less than 90o. The advantages of this method include high bullet density and the
excellent follow-on BFM capability. The disadvantage of the reversal is maintaining sight. The
shooter will need to keep the target slightly above the horizon to prevent a blind lead turn.
Pull-through attack: The second type of attack is the "pull-through." During this type, the
attacker initially rolls towards the other aircraft and stays in the same direction of turn, dragging
the pipper through the target. The shooter will squeeze the trigger with sufficient lead (i.e., when
the target passes the canopy bow). This will allow the bullets to be at 1000 feet by the time the
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